YEAR ONE (free ebook)

The creature’s crystalline skin reflected the rays of the setting sun as the girl admired his stick-thin frame and rock-hard adolescent abs—Adonis reborn. Beauty. Perfection. Rainbow colors burst in brilliant display. Spellbound, she staggered forward to embrace him.

And below the earth His anger grew—hatred, rage.

“No,” he said, taking her hands in his, turning his face away. “Don’t look at me. I’m a monster.”

“You’re beautiful,” she said.

Waiting for the sun to set, He seethed.

She put her hand to his cheek and turned his face toward her. A single diamond tear trickled down his marble-smooth cheek, flashing once before winking out as darkness devoured the last of the sun’s pink feelers.

Clawing himself up from the bowels of the earth, Vlad howled with rage, grave dirt and gore staining his ancient garments, last night’s meal still smeared across his hollow, bone-white face. The sparkling thing and the girl turned at the sound of the savage howl, but it was too late.

Vlad flew at the insolent pair, knocking the bitch into a tree, where she slumped to the ground and watched as the horror that had just materialized tore out her Love’s throat and vanished.
"Oh, Edward"
Copyright: © 2009 Brad Nelson
Brad Nelson is a former backyard samurai and blue jeans Zen master who spends most of his time now on the back porch with his pipe and a cup of coffee. He retired his sword and took up the pen after serving five years as an interrogator in the U.S. Army. Brad is also a creative writing M.F.A. candidate at National University and Chief Editor of Eclectic Flash, a new online literary journal. You can find Eclectic Flash at


  1. ehehe, I love this! I have to show this off to my Twi-Hard friends :P

  2. I don't know... is it really writing if all you do for your first paragraph is look in the mirror and describe what you see? Yeah. We get it. You work out. Women dig you. Got it. lol
    No seriously Brad. This was a wonderfully layered piece.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Karen :0)

  3. I'm throwing a HOOOOOOOOWWWWLLLLLLL your way. Nobody else has done it yet. Besides, I really do like the line: Clawing himself up from the bowels of the earth, Vlad howled with rage...


  4. Finally- someone had to kill them, a real monster. Excellent.

  5. Thanks, everyone. Somebody had to kill that bastard.

    Karen, you weren't supposed to tell everybody I wrote the first paragraph while looking in the mirror. ;-)
