Dean was supposed to meet her at the abandoned abattoir.

“No later than nine,” Elisha had warned. “Or I might change my mind.”

He was careful to delete her number from his call-log. If his wife saw it she might ask questions.

Elisha wanted a ghost tour; he had other things in mind: “Only if you promise to come in that skimpy strapless you wore to the office Christmas party.”

On arrival, he found a blood-soaked gown on the floor.

His wife emerged from the shadows, pointing a .44 at him. She motioned toward a rusty, old meat-packing machine: “You're next."

"Meat Me at Nine"
Copyright: © 2010 Eugene Gramelis

Eugene Gramelis
is a barrister and dark fiction writer from Sydney, Australia where he lives with his beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters. His fiction has appeared, or is scheduled to appear, in publications such as
MicroHorror, Crime and Suspense Magazine, Flashes in the Dark, The Daily Tourniquet, Midnight Echo, Afterburn SF and The New Flesh. Please feel free to visit Eugene's official webpage:

*"Meat Me at Nine" previously published at Flashshots.


  1. Eugene, really enjoyed that. Never cheat on the missus when she owns a .44. Nice work. Checking out your blog.

  2. Thanks David. Much appreciated. Regards, Eugene
